Teste do Dosha


Are you Vata, Pitta or Kapha?

"Prakriti" means "nature" and refers to your basic constitution. It is determined at the moment of conception and relates to your genetically inherited physical and emotional qualities. Prakriti specifically relates to those qualities, characteristics and tendencies that are enduring. For instance, while you may experience temporary changes, like gaining or losing ten pounds, feeling nervous or irritable, developing a cold or flu, etc., in the natural course of life you will never gain or lose five inches on your height or experience a change of eye color.
Prakriti is enlivened and described by three main doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are loosely translated as Air, Fire and Earth, respectively. Each of us has all three doshas in our constitution, in unique proportions. In Ayurveda, seven dosha-predominant Prakritis are described:
In Ayurveda, seven dosha-predominant Prakritis are described, three dual Prakritis, where two doshas are equally, or nearly equally predominant, and One Prakriti that has all three doshas equally prominent:
  • - Vata-predominant
  • - Pitta-predominant
  • - Kapha-predominant
  • - Vata-Pitta predominant
  • - Pitta-Kapha predominant
  • - Vata-Kapha predominant
  • - Vata-Pitta-Kapha predominant
It is important to remember that there is no constitutional type that is better than any other and your goal is not to be come "tri-doshic." Ayurvedic constitutional analysis helps us understand and accept our personal potentials and limitations for living harmoniously within the greater context of our lives.
Take This Self-Test to Learn Your Prakriti (Ayurvedic Constitution)

Knowing your Prakriti can help you maintain optimal health. Click in the circles below that best describe you. Answer the questions based on your overall, lifelong tendencies and not according to temporary or recent conditions. You will see your score when you click the "Show Results" button. You can then click on links to Vata, Pitta and Kapha to learn more about your Prakriti.
Note: Even a thoughtful test cannot take the place of an evaluation by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. The results of this test may give a good indication of the primary doshas in your Prakriti but the evaluation of your practitioner may be more accurate.

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